Swiss HR Academy
Use the current momentum to sustainably anchor accelerated digitization in the company.
1 Day
At least three years of specialist, management or project experience.
c/o HWZ Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich
Swiss HR Academy Certificate «HR-Digital»
CHF 990.00 incl. coffee breaksCHF 890.00 for HR Today Members, ZGP, kfmv, FH-Schweiz and alumni HWZ members
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There's no question about it: digitalization in HR is happening. What is unclear, however, is: In which areas can technology already replace people today and where does artificial intelligence generate sustainable benefits. It is therefore a matter of separating the wheat from the chaff. In any case, digitization is leaving its mark - also in HR services, because candidate search engines, gamification in training, artificial intelligence, and HR analytics have already made inroads. Use the momentum to sustainably anchor the accelerated digitalization in the company and successfully master the new challenges in HRM. What can you do in HR, where is the best place to start? Learn from a professional about the latest trends and how to use them in a target-oriented way - also in your company.
In this practical seminar, you will develop the basics,
Leaders and HR professionals who deal with digitalization, hiring employees, optimizing internal processes or HR topics in general in the company. Maximum number of participants: 16